
Danish man personal submarine
Danish man personal submarine

The inventor's often changing account of what happened fell apart when Wall's dismembered, naked torso was found on a southern Copenhagen coast in late August. He said he wanted to give her a burial and admitted to throwing her body parts into the sea before trying to purposely sink the submarine in a "suicide attempt." He then changed his story and said Wall had been involved in a "terrible accident" on board the submarine. Madsen initially said he had dropped the journalist off on an island, but police refused to believe his statement and arrested him. When she didn't return from the trip as expected, her boyfriend reported her missing. Wall, 30, was last seen in August boarding Madsen's self-built submarine in Copenhagen, Denmark. Related: Inventor charged with murder and dismemberment of journalist Kim Wall in 'extremely disturbing' case Prosecutors said they believe Madsen either cut Wall's throat or strangled her before dismembering her body and throwing the parts into the sea. Wall's body parts washed up on shore 11 days after she met Madsen, leading police to launch an investigation into the circumstances of her death. Madsen, 47, previously pleaded guilty to the indecent handling of Wall's body but has denied killing her. TT NEWS AGENCY/TOM WALL/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Kim Wall went on Danish inventor Peter Madsen's submarine with plans to write a story on his work. But by the time he finally responded to her, his cash flow had dried up and he had canceled the planned test launch.Ĭopyright 2021 The Associated Press. Wall had planned to interview Madsen - a self-taught engineer - for a story on a rocket program he founded in 2014, with the goal of building a crowdfunded rocket to launch himself into space. Life sentences in Denmark usually mean 16 years in prison, but convicts are reassessed to determine whether they would pose a danger to society if released and can be kept longer. He claims she died accidentally inside the submarine, but he has confessed to throwing her body parts into the Baltic Sea. The sensational case has gripped Scandinavia. Madsen later lost his appeal, shortly after apologizing to the victim’s family who were present in the appeals court. He dismembered her body and dumped it at sea. In 2018, Madsen was sentenced in the Copenhagen City Court to life in prison for killing Wall, a 30-year-old reporter from Sweden whom he lured aboard his homemade submarine the previous year with the promise of an interview. Madsen told the court that his plan was to hijack cars, take the owners' cell phones and move south and eventually reach Germany. He used a fake hand gun and mock explosives he had made in jail as he threatened his way out of prison. Prison personnel who followed him saw that he had jumped into a passing white van and informed police. Madsen, one of Denmark’s most notorious criminals, was captured about five minutes after the escape and around 500 meters (less than a half-mile) from the facility.

danish man personal submarine

Madsen, 50, accepted the ruling.īefore the verdict was announced, Madsen told the Glostrup City Court in suburban Copenhagen that he wanted to flee because he considered the prison conditions poor, according to the Ekstra Bladet tabloid. However, it may play a role if Madsen at some point makes a probation request.

danish man personal submarine

The conviction doesn’t matter in reality as it will not be added to the life sentence. 20 near the Herstedvester prison in suburban Copenhagen where he is serving a life sentence for the killing of Kim Wall. Peter Madsen was quickly apprehended on Oct. COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) - A Danish man convicted of torturing and murdering a Swedish journalist on his homemade submarine, was given a 19-month sentence Tuesday for his attempt to escape from a suburban Copenhagen prison last year during which he threatened prison staff and police with a fake gun and fake explosives.

Danish man personal submarine